Koay Tiow Ladna

This dish is usually prepared in Thai restaurants and the sauce is clear but slightly brown from the color of the oyster sauce . What makes this gravy not sickening is the rice chili placed in the gravy. It's really delicious. 


Select Your Best Choice Of Food Or

Let Us Propose To You

选择您最喜欢 的食物或

让我们向您提出 建议 

Memorandum of Understanding

  • A four hours journey (Radius 15KM from Central Festival Mall Hat Yai)(Pick Up or Drop Off) as per vehicle with maximum 4 passengers. Price at 100 SGD per vehicle.
  • We provide three different schedule:

    Breakfast(8.00am-12.00pm) Lunch(1.00pm-5.00pm) Dinner(6.00pm-10.00pm)

  • Payment-50%(3 days before start) balance 50%(24 hours before start).
  • Journey fee includes a transportation with driver (narrator)(by private vehicle), petrol & parking. Upon the request to pick up & drop off over 15KM  radius, an additional cost 30SGD may impose. Any delay over 30 minutes drop off will charge additional 30SGD for over time fee.
  • Free cancelation & full refund for 24 hours before the journey start. Customer must inform via text messaging & phone call to reach the person in charge.
  • Customer need to pay for all the food & beverage cost after the food delivered to the table. All Food & beverage cost will be bare by customer.
  • Tipping is not necessary, it is always appreciated. No other hidden costs involved.
  • Customer may need to follow the schedule of food store business day & business hour. No promise by            LCS CUISINE and not refundable
  •  LCS CUISINE may have the right to amend the schedule if happen any unforeseen situation
  • We encourage to bring a cap or umbrella & a pack of tissue paper
  • Some of the coffee shop may impose a minimum charge without order any drinks from the customer having meal in the shop

Please exercise care during the journey. As part of company guidelines,  LCS CUISINE and its driver does its utmost best to ensure the safety while traveling in our private car and sanitary conditions of the food and the premises where it is served. It is the customer's responsibility to inform us on any dietary restrictions or concerns. As such, any undesirable side effects such as food poisoning is regrettable but not the responsibility of  LCS CUISINE or any of its representatives. You agree, by attending the tour and partaking of the food, that no legal action may be undertaken against                  LCS CUISINE or any of its representatives should such a situation arise.


  • 每辆车最多可容纳 4 名乘客,车程为 4 小时(仅限半径 15公里 从 Central Festival Mall)(接送) 。价格为每辆车 100 新加坡元  。
  • 我们提供三种不同的时间表:早餐(8.00am-12.00pm)午餐(1.00pm-5.00pm)晚餐(6.00pm-10.00pm)
  • 付款-50%(旅程 开始前3天)余额50%(旅程 开始前24小时)。 旅程费用包括司机(解说员)(私家车)的交通费、汽油费和停车费。超过 半径 15公里(接送)收取 30新加坡元 的额外费用。
  • 小费不是必须的,我们总是会感激。不涉及其他隐藏费用。
  • 行程开始前 24 小时免费取消并全额退款。客户必须通过短信和电话联系负责人。
  • 食物送至餐桌后,顾客需支付所有餐饮费用。所有餐饮费用均由顾客承担
  • 顾客需要遵守食品店营业日和营业时间的时间表。     LCS CUISINE 不承诺且不予退款 如果发生任何不可预见的情况,
  • LCS CUISINE 可能有权修改时间表 我们鼓励带帽子或雨伞和一包纸巾
  • 有些咖啡店可能会对在店内用餐的顾客不点任何饮料的情况下收取最低费用


作为公司准则的一部分, LCS CUISINE 及其司机尽最大努力确保私家车旅行时的安全以及食品和服务场所的卫生条件。客户有责任告知我们任何饮食限制或疑虑。因此,任何不良副作用(例如食物中毒)任何遗憾事件,  LCS CUISINE 或其任何代表不承担责任。如您同意通过参加旅行并享用食物出现这种情况,不会对  LCS CUISINE 或其任何代表采取法律行动。



Main Office

Copyright© 2023, LCS Liberty Cuisine Spectrum  all rights reserved


